Career Episode Report for Naval Architect – ANZSCO CODE: 233916
Naval Architects design and oversee the construction and repair of marine crafts and other floating structures in seas and oceans. They make ships, other sea vessels and marine navigation technologies and play crucial roles in the shipping and shipbuilding industries. Naval Architecture means designing and manufacturing:
Sea-going vessels such as:
- ships,
- yachts,
- fishing boats,
- barges,
- powerboats,
- steamers,
- tugs,
- warships,
- cruise ships,
- icebreakers, and
- submarines.
Offshore structures including:
- commercial, and
- military structures.
The offshore structures can be movable (such as floating structures) or permanent ones).
Naval architects have played a major role in developing new-age ports and sea machines. Australia shows a very strong demand for naval architects in the future, mostly in New South Wales and Western Australia. Many Naval Architects in Australia work with professional, scientific, and technical service providers, in the manufacturing industry, or the public administration and safety department.
If you want to immigrate to Australia as a Naval Architect, this is the right time. The Queensland Transport and Logistics Workforce, Current and Future Trends: Maritime and Ports report mentions that the development of autonomous sea vessels will see a sharp rise soon. Cruising in Australia is also expected to rise soon. With new technologies and innovations and an ageing workforce in the Maritime industry, Australia is looking for specialists with different skill sets as well as digital literacy.
You will need to submit a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) to Engineers Australia to prove that you have the skills the country needs. The CDR report for Naval Architects includes three career episodes. Here, we will discuss how to write career episodes for Naval Architects in detail.
How to write Career Episode of a Naval Architect?
A Naval Architect’s career episode needs to show how he or she has applied his/her engineering knowledge and skills at the workplace. Across the three career episodes, you should show how you have developed in the field of Naval Architecture and how you took on more responsibility and assumed a greater role as you moved up your career path.
The focus should always be on your personal role in the project you mention instead of the teamwork. Engineers Australia (EA) is not interested in the collective achievements of your team but what you did as an individual. So, you can talk about building naval vessels or designing, constructing, maintaining and repairing life support vessels. Quality control of sea-going vessels, ports, or off-shore structures is another thing you can talk about.
Steps of writing a career episode as a Naval Architect
- Step 1: Read the MSA guidelines: Migration Skills Assessment booklet is published by Australian immigration authority from time-to-time in which you can find the guidelines on how to write the CDR (and career episodes). The official website of Engineers Australia also mentions the format and guidelines for writing career episodes. You must read them carefully before embarking on writing one.
- Step 2: Check out career episode samples that have won EA approvals: WriteCDR shares career episodes for all engineering disciplines including ones for Naval Architects. You can check them out to see how our CDR experts have crafted career episodes that guaranteed success for our past clients.
- Step 3: Brainstorm on the right CE topic or theme: Picking up the right topic to present how you have applied your Naval Architecture and engineering knowledge and skills to the projects or work you have handled can be tricky. Seek the help of experts if necessary.
- Step 4: Write, edit, and proofread: EA uses your career episodes to assess your level of knowledge and skills related to your field as well as your communication skills. Hence, it is crucial to make sure that your career episodes do not contain any errors. We have professional writers, editors, and proofreaders to help you through any stage of career episode writing process.
Never resort to plagiarism. Copying-pasting from others is a sure-shot way to get your visa application rejected by Australian authorities.
What to see in a Career Episode Sample for Naval Architect Australia?
A Naval Architect’s career episode sample serves as an inspiration for newbies. You can see how our experts weave different experiences and engineering activities in their narrative. You can see how most of the sentences begin with ‘I…’ to emphasize the personal contribution of the individual. Since each individual’s journey differs, your project details, what you did, and how you present them will naturally be different.
Using project details or text or ideas from a Naval Architect career episode example you see online or you receive from us will definitely lead you to trouble. The EA database is a powerhouse with all the career episodes submitted by others. The samples you receive from us have already been submitted by other Naval Architects or Marine Engineers who have since migrated to Australia. Thus, they are present in the EA database.
If you do not find the time to write one or are stuck on how to present your professional growth through career episodes, consult our expert career episode writers now.
In the sample career episode for Naval Architecture, you will see how we showcase the person in the best light. We narrate about incidents that show that the person has a logical and enquiring mind, applies creative thinking to solve problems and give better results, and communicates clearly (verbally and in written form) to other engineers and people from different backgrounds involved in the project.
We bring out the qualities of leadership and emphasize on points where a person has shown sound judgement and that he or she is an excellent team player. If a person has played a managerial role or has worked in a specialist’s position where he has produced a design, we talk about it in detail.
We also try to show that as a Naval Architect, our client understands which designs are sea-worthy, economically viable, and safe to produce. Read through our career samples and then, decide on the best CE topics or themes that can work in your favour.
What Career Episode Topics do you suggest for Naval Architects?
Online CDR experts at WriteCDR (who works for a Naval Architect) is always someone with the qualification and experience in the same field. With their varied experience, they can study your resume and finds opportunities that can best serve your purpose while writing a career episode.
They understand that in a Naval Architecture career episode, you do not have to mention all the technical details of the project. But you must highlight that you are familiar with:
- designing work,
- concepts related to hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and stability,
- structures,
- marine engines,
- hydraulics,
- underwater appendages, and
- economics of the maritime and shipping industry.
You may mention about working with electrical equipment, control systems, and pollution control, anchoring, steering, cargo, and lifesaving systems. If you have used computer-aided designs and did calculations in the process, you must mention that. You may also mention how you interacted with other experts and used their services effectively to complete the project successfully.
Naval Engineering not only requires you to have good knowledge of Physics, Mathematics, and English but also Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Skills. You also need a good understanding of art, computers, and software. Working with CAD (Computer Aided Designs) is an asset in the field of Marine or Naval Engineering and Architecture.
You may mention instances where you have performed maritime activities, such as shipment and transportation, dredging, offshore drilling, and repairing, building, or designing maritime vessels and other units. Research & Development, complex parameters involved in designing ships and other vessels, an understanding of safety, appearance, strength, and functionality of a design, working knowledge of handling teams, surveying and quality control, and using computer-based information are some of the things you can write about in your CEs+.
How to Structure a Naval Architecture Career Episode?
Like all career episodes, Naval Architecture CEs are also written like personal narrative essays – with an introduction and a conclusion. Length of a career episode has to be between 1000 and 2500 words. But experts recommend you to use the maximum word limit to be able to describe your work in detail (highlighting your strengths without being boring or dull).
You should start with an Introduction (50-100 words) and end with a Conclusion (50-100 words) but you do not have to include them as sub-headings. Check our samples to see how to format a career episode.
In the introduction, you mention the stage of your academic or career journey you are talking about, in which university or organization you were at that time, the name of the project, and what was your role (or job title) in the project.
Then, you set the background of your narrative by telling the invigilators more details about the project and your key responsibilities. You can mention the objectives of the project or business goals you had to achieve. Here, you also need to include an organizational chart or a project hierarchy chart showing your position. This chart will show who you reported to and who reported to you during the project. This should be about 200-250 words.
You then come to the main topic in detail. Here, you mention the engineering activities, naval architecture skills, and other professional abilities you displayed or exercised during the project. New designs, innovations, and problems you have solved are most effective in attracting the attention of the EA invigilators.
Do not forget to mention good reviews, testimonials, awards, or achievements you made during the project – ones that can be proved through documents or circumstantial evidence.
Conclude your career episode with a quick summary of your career episode in 50-100 words. This summary should focus on your best points. But don’t worry much about it as you can relate your skills with the competencies mentioned in the Summary Statement (another section of your CDR report) in detail.
CDR Samples
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From my point of view the my Biomedical engineering CDR report was very nicely written, I don’t know that I will get positive assessment or not, but the report is perfect according to me. Thank you for giving me the solution before my deadline I appreciate for that.

Biomedical Engineer, Australia
You guys are amazing!! I am thankful that this website exists and lucky that I found this website! I would like to thank these amazing peps for helping me out to create my CEs, summary statement and CPD. You guys were there to help me out on time! Thank you guys!!

Civil Engineer, UAE
You guys are doing a really good job. I would never be able to submit my report without you guys and I even thought you guys would not be able to complete on time, but you did it. One thing I want to say it would have been better if you would have charged a bit less, but quality comes at a price and you guys are worth the price.