Want to Get Recognised as a Chartered Engineering Associate in Australia and across the World? Opt for CDR Report Writing Service from WriteCDR Now and Get 10% Off!
Chartered Membership of Engineers Australia (CEngA) is a professional credential recognized by the businesses, government, and general public in the country. CEngA is the only organization that can offer this membership to engineers. Members of the CEngA have an obligation to keep learning and remain relevant in the area of their operation.
The Stage 2 Competency Standards define points of assessments used by CEngA to assess candidates and grant or reject their Chartered Membership application. Only the chosen ones get registered on the National Engineering Register (NER) of Australia.
The Australian Engineering Competency Standards Stage 2 for an Engineering Associate require a candidate to be able to function independently without requiring any supervision. An Engineering Associate should have the right knowledge, core and professional skills, engineering application abilities, and values and attitudes for his or her chosen profession.
Stage 2 Competency Standards for Engineering Associates
Competency standards apply to all disciplines of engineering. They are related to one's:
- Personal Commitment
- Obligation to Community
- Value in the Workplace
- Technical Proficiency
Engineers Australia (EA) defines 'elements of competence' that define the capabilities associated with each of these four competence units. It also defines 'indicators of attainment' that serve as a guide to the engineering work which can be considered as a way to demonstrate the competence element in the application of an Engineering Associate aspirant.
Personal Commitment
Elements of Competence for Personal Commitment include:
- dealing with ethical issues,
- keeping up-to-date with the developments in the field, and
- adopting a personal sense of responsibility for engineering activities candidates do.
The documents you submit should show:
- how you engage in ethical reflective practices, recognise ethical dilemmas or unethical situations and respond to them ethically, and consult Engineers Australia Code of Ethics and seek appropriate advice when needed.
- that you believe in assessing your competence regularly and acquiring new skills and knowledge. You need to understand your areas of competence, do engineering work related to them, and maintain a record of what you do for 'Continuous Professional Development'.
- that you document all your work regularly so that other people can check it and complete your work if you are unable to do so, seek reviews and feedback of work you do and try to improve upon it and do so for others, and can do your work within the costs, risks, limitations and consequences defined for it.
Obligation to Community
Elements of Competence for Obligation to Community include:
- developing safe and sustainable solutions,
- engaging with the stakeholders and individuals who can influence or get affected by your engineering activities in the short, medium or long-term, understanding their requirements and expectations, and negotiating acceptable outcomes with them which are in the best interest for everyone concerned with it,
- identifying, assessing, and managing risks, and
- meeting all the legal and regulatory requirements.
The documents you submit should show:
- how you ensure the safety of works and all those involved in your project, adopt standards of practice in design safety while optimising the use of resources, and maintain a balance between your developing engineering designs and solutions with economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
- how you engage with different communities related to your engineering activities, understand their problems, offer them solutions, and informs them of the consequences of different options. You also need to show how your engineering expertise benefits these communities and how you keep safety, environmental, public health and other such issues in mind related to your work.
- how you identify, assess, and manage all types of risks associated with your work, how you document technical and operational changes in the audit trail, identify unpredictable events that may influence outcomes, assess different kinds of consequences in case of such events, and minimise costs and undesirable consequences. Negotiations to share costs and benefits play an important role here.
- how you keep track of different codes, laws, compliance standards, and other regulatory requirements you need to follow, negotiate with the relevant authorities to get approvals and protect intellectual property.
Value in the Workplace
Elements of Competence for Value in the Workplace include:
- collaborating and communicating with people related to your work activities,
- using appropriate tools and processes to achieve desired goals and objectives,
- initiating or planning or managing engineering activities, and
- exercising sound judgement in the workplace.
The documents you submit should show:
- how you build and maintain collaborative relations with people and multi-disciplinary teams and coordinate their activities, respect confidentiality obligations, convey new concepts and ideas to technical and non-technical stakeholders, discuss things with others and use their suggestions to improve deliverables and give oral and written presentations of your work.
- how you develop an accurate understanding of needs, opportunities, and priorities by discussing them with all the stakeholders, use engineering innovation and creativity, and monitor performance requirements, such as:
- minimising upfront capital expense,
- maintaining long-term cost-effectiveness,
- keeping the desired schedule,
- accelerating returns or benefits, and
- ensuring technical quality, operational reliability, etc.
- how you lead coordination different aspects of your work, contribute to successful bids or proposals, use appropriate formal coordination and management systems, report progress of the work, manage projects effectively, and keep financial and other records as required.
- how you supervise the progress of technical work, deal decisively with significant consequences, and seek advice on whether to proceed or suspend work when faced with unexpected events or performance failures.
Technical Proficiency
Elements of Competence for Technical Proficiency include:
- learning advanced engineering fundamentals,
- acquiring and using local engineering knowledge,
- defining, investigating, and analysing problems and opportunities,
- developing creative and innovative engineering solutions, and
- evaluating the outcomes of your project.
The documents you submit should show:
- how you learn about new engineering possibilities and use them to deliver better engineering projects, systems and programs, use new engineering tools and theories to make predictions, and apply your knowledge to solve complex problems.
- how you learn the local technical literature and engineering practices and use local environmental plans and conditions to produce reliable results on time. Here, the emphasis should be on Australian engineering knowledge and traditional practices.
- how you work with your employer or customer to understand what is required, adopt appropriate research methods to find previously-known solutions to the given problem, and find ways to improve outcomes.
- how you create value for investors and end-users and use creative and innovative ways to design, deliver, and assess products, services, or processes you worked on.
- how you determine performance deficiencies and impending failures and remedy them.
Documents You Need to Submit for the Chartered Membership of Engineers Australia
To apply for the CEngA status, you need to submit many documents, which includes:
- an up-to-date CV,
- a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Record,
- an Engineering Experience Record (EER),
- your Engineering Competency Claims (ECCs).
EER is a 700-words summary of your employment background, including different roles you have worked in and how they enriched your experience. It needs to be written according to the EA guidelines.
ECC focus on Stage 2 Competency Standards and how well you fit into the criteria set for an Engineering Associate.
How does WriteCDR Help You?
One may choose different pathways to apply for the eChartered Competency Assessment, which include:
- Professional Development Program (PDP)
- Engineering Competency Report (ECR)
- Mature Experience Engineer (MEE)
- Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)
The Engineering Competency Report requires you to submit as many as 16 ECCs. Our WriteCDR experts have years of experience working with skilled worker visa applicants to Australia. They understand the 'Competency Standards Stage 2 for Engineering Associate' set by CEngA quite well and can write perfect ECCS or EER for you. They can also prepare you the best application for Chartered Membership for Engineering Associate complete with all documents.
Call them now and see how they can help you with the quick processing of your application and get a successful result!
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From my point of view the my Biomedical engineering CDR report was very nicely written, I don’t know that I will get positive assessment or not, but the report is perfect according to me. Thank you for giving me the solution before my deadline I appreciate for that.

Biomedical Engineer,Australia
You guys are amazing!! I am thankful that this website exists and lucky that I found this website! I would like to thank these amazing peps for helping me out to create my CEs, summary statement and CPD. You guys were there to help me out on time! Thank you guys!!

Civil Engineer UAE
You guys are doing a really good job. I would never be able to submit my report without you guys and I even thought you guys would not be able to complete on time, but you did it. One thing I want to say it would have been better if you would have charged a bit less, but quality comes at a price and you guys are worth the price.

Mechanical Engineer India
From my point of view the my Biomedical engineering CDR report was very nicely written, I don’t know that I will get positive assessment or not, but the report is perfect according to me. Thank you for giving me the solution before my deadline I appreciate for that.

Biomedical Engineer, Australia
You guys are amazing!! I am thankful that this website exists and lucky that I found this website! I would like to thank these amazing peps for helping me out to create my CEs, summary statement and CPD. You guys were there to help me out on time! Thank you guys!!

Civil Engineer, UAE
You guys are doing a really good job. I would never be able to submit my report without you guys and I even thought you guys would not be able to complete on time, but you did it. One thing I want to say it would have been better if you would have charged a bit less, but quality comes at a price and you guys are worth the price.