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CDR Report Editing Service In India

  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • 100% Plagiarism Free Work
  • On Time Delivery
  • Domain Specific Writers
  • Services For All Engineering Disciplines
  • Best Price Guaranteed


Every year several engineers from India apply for skilled migration visa to Australia. High paying job opportunities, a great environment to work and also splendid living conditions are some of the perks that the country offers. Though in order to realize their dreams, the engineers have to provide an authentic proof of their abilities and knowledge in front of the Engineers Australia (EA). This authority concerned with assessing engineering candidates only recognize qualifications affiliated with Washington Accord, Dublin Accord or Sydney Accord. This is where the Competency Development Report or CDR comes into use as it plays a pivotal role in displaying all the necessary skill set in front of the assessing committee.

This report is mandatory if you are looking for a skilled visa and is extremely crucial which is why it has to be free of any mistakes. Though one is expected to write and compile this demanding report on their own, it is always advisable to seek professional help. This is why many engineers look for reliable CDR report editing services to eliminate any chances of mistakes on their CDR report. The EA has various guidelines that need to be closely followed in order to prepare a high-quality report. Though, often the pressure of putting in your best and the inability to put information in an articulate manner often leads to unexpected errors.

How you can benefit from our CDR Report Editing services?

Getting through the EA assessment is by no means an easy job and if you don’t put your best foot forward then that can cause delays. In worst case scenario you can be denied your visa or offered a work category below your expertise. Going for CDR report editing services at this important juncture can be very useful in your professional career.

We have a panel of writers who have successfully guided many engineers in the past by counseling them and helping them make a flawless CDR. Their first step is to analyze your CDR in order to understand your strengths and skills. Thereafter they examine if you have correctly talked about your competencies and not made any technical error or mistake in formatting. Even the slightest room for improvement is worked upon to highlight every important detail that you might have missed out. Your report is proofread and thoroughly scrutinized to eliminate any error in spelling and grammar. The sentence structure is checked and also the correct usage of Australian English which is again a mandatory requirement of EA.  

Our CDR Editors also bring into use advanced software to study your report. The purpose of this software is to pick out even the slightest hint of plagiarism from your work. Any part of your CDR that turns to be plagiarized is reworked upon by our writers to make sure the final work is original.

There are three crucial rounds that our panelist make each report go through for the purpose of editing it. The first is done to make sure that there are no irregularities in term of language or grammar. This round is also where your report is checked for plagiarism. The second round of editing is carried out by subject matter experts who pick out every technical fault made. They make sure all data and information brought into use is specific to the chosen field and meets the correct competency requirement. The final round is where our EA experts review your work to make sure that you have adhered to all the guidelines. If all the criteria are met then the report is considered perfect for submission.

Useful tips from our experts

Proofreading and editing a CDR report is a very important step to make sure that your final work is perfect in every way. A qualified team of writers can surely elevate the standard of your work but there are certain steps that one can follow themselves to proofread their own work.  Here are some tips from our CDR Editors:

  • Proofreading has a golden rule which everyone should abide by. Whenever you finish your report, make sure that you don’t review it immediately. Give yourself a break of a few hours or even a day before you go back to proofreading your work. This clears the stagnation from your mind and helps you pick errors more easily.
  • Stick to the template style and make sure there is no inconstancy in terms of font size, formatting style and even spacing. The final report should look neat and uniform so that the assessor can easily go through it. An untidy and shabby looking report will fail to impress the EA. Your report must look like a presentation that is written in the traditional format without the usage of any experimental colors or font.
  • Editing is more than just picking out and eliminating a few errors. It is about making sure that the tone of the report should be correct, the information is to the point and the usage of words is professional.
  • Typographical errors can also bring down the quality of your report. Proper proofreading is required to eradicate any such big and small mistakes.
  • Your CDR report must be appealing in terms of the way the information is written. Be careful that you don’t end up piling data but rather emphasis on the flow of the narrative. The assessor should find the matter engaging and interesting and not boring and monotonous.

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